Leaving Well Enough Alone

God had a vineyard once
That rushed beyond the clouds, the blue sky
And into the orange horizon

God deeply inhaled anew
As the sun fell into his vineyard peacefully asleep
In came the cool air of the night
Despite the black sky and stars’ light
God still exhaled life
Upon his vineyard

He fenced it; he pruned it
He trained it and fine tuned it
What more could he do to it
God’s vineyard

Two years surpassing one, three surpassing two
God waited and waited
For this abounding child to grow
Strong and well enough

The sun grew wide awake into the morning
Awaiting to shine upon God’s new glory

As if the child hadn’t been fenced
As if he hadn’t been pruned
As if he hadn’t been trained
And perfectly fine tuned

So, God’s hand separated
From what he had sown
Leaving well enough alone

Untouched, the vineyard’s fence grew old
Untouched, vines carried heavier loads
Untouched, thorns grew sharper and bold
Untouched, too tangled to fight off foxes alone

So naturally came the shadows of death
With the absence of God’s righteous right hand

Until his vineyard was ready to grow
With what He had given to it to sow
Leaving, well enough, alone

For He had fenced it; He pruned it
He trained it and fine tuned it
What more could he do to it
Leaving well enough alone

Based on Isaiah 5:5
“And now go to; I will tell you what I will do to my vineyard: I will take away the hedge thereof. And it shall be eaten up; and break down the wall thereof, and it shall be trodden down:”

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