The Trees Know The River

The trees know the river
They understand the sun
And the grass, the rain
The waves, the moon
The ocean knows the wind and desert storms
She knows the minerals within the sand
That keeps her reborn again and again
Yet we do not know
We do not consider

The lion knows the antelope
And stays in the savanna
The tiger, the jungle
The spiders, the corners of the earth
The creatures that slither, the rocks and high grass
Them who humbly crawl, the earth beneath
Yet we do not know
We do not consider

The dry grass knows the fire
The creatures know the life within the ashes
Yet we do not know
We do not consider

The desert is clawing and gnawing
And desperately chasing the rain
Opening her sores and wounds
That he may replenish what she can no longer sustain
Yet we do not know
We do not consider

For we do not stare
Within the irredeemable eyes
Of Sodom and Gomorrah
Because we have been left us a remnant

While we do not stand in the wrath of
The Creator of the ends of the earth…
The Trees, Know, the River

Based on…
“The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master’s crib: but Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider.” Isaiah 1:3

2 thoughts on “The Trees Know The River”

  1. So beautiful! I felt so comforted by the start of this poem. I love that it was written based off Isaiah 1:3. Thank you for sharing your poetry!

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