Salvific Change


What are we about?

Not us

For we are representatives of Christ

That the world may recognize

That he transform lives 

Uncover truth for lies

The dead turn with opened eyes

Christ died 

You’re justified

Redeemed forgiven

Made in an image

Not of death not of men 

But the Sovereign Amen

To great to comprehend

All that he is

To do what he did

Impossible for men

Our desire is to inspire

The weak, guilty, and tired

Believers who are on fire

Rep Christ through muck and mire

We’re here to motivate

To live, never too late

God resets, rewind, 

erase lost time

Pave ways to leave

No child behind

Renews, divide

Rebuilds, provide

Sustain, resaves

Can’t stay the same

What we’re about

Salvific change

With pen and ink

We rep truth

We rep love

We rep Christ

We rep Change