Give us, Jesus

In world where darkness seems to be victor over light
Truth is trodden over as we run from what is right

Because the voice of wrong has condemned Jesus our light
Crucifying him again
Give us Barabbas

Creation rejects Creator
The world cried out for a murderer over a Savior
Kind of like how Satan uses sin to destroy men
When we reject Christ, sin naturally creeps in, it’s a murderer
It’s why we’re so thirsty for anything that feels good
because we lack he who is good, as dying men
God, give us Jesus

Jesus said to his enemies, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”
Because the world’s riches, acceptance, and lusts could not compare
To the relationship Christ wants with you
He loved us more than anything this world could ever give
So he died to save us from a murderer, Barabbas, our sin
God, give us Jesus

Are you saved?
He put on sin to get rid of your shame
Because you were the reason why he came

He experienced loss to save what was lost
Hopelessness to give hope to the hopeless
Death, to resurrect a world that was dead
He rose to give unbelievers reason to trust in what he said
Jesus is the Well in which we’ll never thirst again
And sinners like me would be able to rise from the chains of their thirst for sin

God, I pray for those of us that don’t know you, “Give us, Jesus”
That they may experience freedom in him
That when we leave this world we my be comforted by the words
“I will see you again.”
God I thank you that you gave us Jesus.
Because nothing compares to the eternal life we have when we have him.
God, I pray, I pray that you,
“Give Us, Jesus.”

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