
Imagine being lost in a world with so many directions
Followed your heart to a place with no protection
Given in to the things for so long you’ve lusted
Was weak, trusted in people that couldn’t be trusted
Left alone in a world where so many are broken
They try to hide their faults
But there actions are words spoken
You did the same but now your problems
You can’t hide
Because you’ve been overpowered by problems
You once didn’t recognize
So now here you stand naked for the world to see
Holding out your hand but this world cannot provide your needs
If you’d only stop standing and humbly bow to your knees
And reach out all you’ve got to the one who can release
What’s bound you from being free
Reach out your unclean hands not to the world but to He who’s Holy
He says come to me ye who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest
You are not alone in this world we were all once homeless

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